Me at Desk_sidehair_72dpi.jpg


After completing my Master of Arts at SCAD Savannah, Iā€™m back in New York as the Production Coordinator for Jason Wu Collection. While learning much on-the-job, I continue to create textile swatches and garments outside of the 9-5.

With a professional and personal background in studio painting, apparel design, manufacturing and retail, I fuse these experiences with my lifelong love for fashion. For generations, the fine hand-tailoring of garments has been practiced and taught in my family. My grandfather introduced the iconic hand-tailored Oxxford suits to West Texas, which began the legacy I carry forth today. With this heritage, my thesis swatch collection explored the imagery of suiting fabrics, starting with the grid, alongside the joy and wonder of vibrant textile design highlighting the bright characteristics of my chosen feminine muses who are modernizing traditional menswear. I am focused on revitalizing power suiting into fashion-forward, radiant possibilities through playful textile design.

My employers and colleagues have appreciated my work ethic and adaptability around a variety of personalities. With my design and production experience, I am searching for the next opportunity within the creative industry, specifically Textile & Embroidery Design or Product Development. I have gained knowledge and appreciation for the production experience and desire to further this skill, especially within the NY Garment District and expanding to overseas manufacturers.